Av. del Paral·lel 84, Barcelona

imagen de señorita maquillada con sonrisa impecable


What have you always dreamed of for your smile?

  • A wider smile.
  • Improve your facial profile.
  • Showing the correct proportion of teeth when you speak and smile.
  • Well aligned teeth.
  • A comfortable fit.
  • Less tension, muscle pain in the face and neck, and headaches.
  • Easier to clean.


At Clínica Dental Padrós we have been trained to offer you the best orthodontic systems to cover all your needs.

Orthodontics with invisible aligners (Invisalign® and others)

With this practically Invisible system you will comfortably and discreetly achieve the natural smile you have always dreamed of.

Invisible aligner systems consist of moving the teeth by means of thin, transparent, custom-made splints, which are very easy to put on and take off, unlike fixed bracket techniques. In general, they are replaced every 7 days with new ones and each one induces a part of the total movement programmed for each tooth, until you achieve the smile you have always dreamed of.

Thanks to the careful planning carried out by our team of orthodontists, and the use of 3D digital images, the software simulates the treatment process from the initial position to the desired final situation. If the patient accepts the proposal, supervised by their orthodontist, all the aligners are manufactured. Each aligner is worn for 1 week before being replaced by the next one in the series, so they move smoothly and gradually.


  • Very discreet. Virtually invisible.
  • Comfortable.
  • Removable, you can take them out to eat and do your usual hygiene.
  • Effective and predictable treatment.
  • You can see the result even before you start with the software simulation.
  • Very easy to clean.
  • Shorter and more spaced visits.
  • This type of treatment is in constant development and at Clínica Padrós Paralelo we make sure to provide you the latest improvements.





Frequently asked questions about Invisalign invisible orthodontics

The Invisalign® system alone has already treated more than 14 million people worldwide.

A thermoformed plastic is used, with some differences between the different brands (in Invisalign® it is SmartTrack®).

They are transparent materials, which, thanks to the iTero 3D image scanning system, achieve a perfect fit to each tooth. This makes the result more predictable.

Nowadays, clear aligners can be used even on baby teeth, which means that the window of opportunity is very wide.

In our clinic we have treated patients with these systems from 5 to 84 years of age.

Some patients may experience temporary discomfort at the beginning of each new stage when inserting a new aligner. This is a temporary, minor sensation that usually passes within 24-48 hours.

No. Unlike traditional braces and archwires, there is no need to change your eating habits because you have to remove your aligners to eat and drink. Therefore, there is no need to restrict the consumption of any of your favourite foods and snacks. Don’t forget that it’s important to brush your teeth thoroughly, using dental floss or interdental brushes, after every meal and before putting your aligners back in so that your entire treatment goes perfectly.

Invisible aligners must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day to guarantee the expected results.

The vast majority of patients report no effect on speech, and in any case, any difficulties are temporary and in the initial period of adaptation to the system. In no case will they affect your rhythm of life.

Our team of orthodontists will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each system to find the one that offers you the best results. And the final decision will depend on your age and the characteristics of your case.

The range of budgets for this type of treatment is very wide, and can go from €800 to €6,500. In order to adjust the budget to what you really need, one of our specialists will visit you to make a detailed study of your case.

Orthodontics with the Damon® Ultimate System and Damon® Clear, the Facial Orthodontic System

The revolutionary bracket system that improves the aesthetics of your face and smile.

The Damon® orthodontic system is based on the use of low-friction aesthetic brackets, which allows for a smoother movement of the teeth.

It uses high-tech archwires that apply continuous and gentle pressure, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the system.

It reduces treatment time, avoids many extractions if there is a lack of space, improves patient comfort and achieves wide smiles with harmonious profiles and excellent aesthetic results.


  • Better aesthetics with Damon® Clear ceramic brackets, which do not stain and do not break.
  • Fast and precise orthodontics. 25-30% less treatment time due to its low friction system.
  • The latest advances with the Damon® Ultima metal bracket system, with a unique design that optimises movements, independently of how complicated they may be, further shortening treatment times (up to 30-40% less time).
  • You have to come less often, the intervals between visits are longer.
  • Less discomfort because they exert up to 600 times less pressure on the teeth.
  • Smaller, rounded brackets that facilitate hygiene.
  • Indicated for patients who have suffered from periodontitis (loss of bone that supports the roots) and who have already been treated.
  • Fewer extractions even in cases with a lack of space.
  • Achieves spectacularly wide and natural smiles.
  • Improves the profile, in many cases without the need for surgery.
  • It gives better support to the lips as the teeth are in a more natural position.

Mari Carmen







After orthodontic treatment Damon





Frequently asked questions about treatment with Damon®, Ultima and Clear bracket systems

Damon Braces are especially effective anywhere from adolescence to late adulthood.

Treatment with the Damon® system causes much less pain and discomfort than conventional bracket systems. These low-friction brackets allow very light forces to be used to move the teeth. So not only is orthodontic treatment shorter, but also much more comfortable. In addition, our customers say that the aesthetic results they see at the end of Damon orthodontic treatment are unbeatable.

In general, you simply have to avoid especially hard foods, as well as tearing food (apples, hard snacks, …) with the front part of the teeth so that brackets do not become detached. Although the current systems of adhesion of the brackets to the teeth are very effective and it is not usually a very frequent problem.

Indeed, the Damon® Brackets system is a system that is cemented to the teeth and cannot be removed until it is finished.

Likewise, various elements that help us to complete the treatment and which are also essential (elastic brackets, auxiliary buttons, etc.) are added and removed.

No. As the whole system runs on the outside of the teeth, it does not cause any speech impairment.

During the early stages of treatment, visits are usually every 10 weeks. In the middle of treatment every 6-8 weeks. And only the last 2 or 3 months, we see you every month.

Although we will always be at your service to attend you quickly if you have any kind of emergency with your Damon® treatment.

Prices vary greatly, depending on the complexity of the treatment, the length of time it will last and whether we are going to use Damon Ultima® metal braces or Damon Clear® aesthetic braces. But they can range from €4,500 to €6,800. We will make a detailed study of your case to adjust to what you really need, without overdoing it, but not underdoing it either.

Inman Aligner. Fast orthodontics in Barcelona

Inman Aligner is a new rapid orthodontic system in Barcelona at the Padrós Dental Clinic.
Padrós Dental Clinic is one of the exclusive certified providers of the Inman Aligner system in Barcelona.

It is a method of orthodontics that allows a faster and safer alignment of the anterior teeth of adults with a slight to moderate malposition.

It consists of a removable device (can be removed and put easily), manufactured with high-tech materials such as super-elastic nickel-titanium springs, which exert very light forces, allowing much faster and safer movements.

It allows to improve the esthetics respecting the biological tissues to the maximum, because, in certain cases, it minimizes and even avoids the need to prepare the teeth to put veneers or crowns to achieve the desired smile.

It is a particularly fast system because it only acts on the anterior area of the teeth. Thus, depending on the severity of the case, the expected results can be achieved between 6 and 16 weeks in most patients.

Advantages of the rapid orthodontic system INMAN ALIGNER BARCELONA

Fast and Safe Orthodontic device

It is removable, allowing better hygiene and makes it possible to remove it in certain situations

In the image you can see how the rapid orthodontic system works in Barcelona Inman Aligner to correctly align the teeth. A removable device is used that allows maximum comfort and practicality.

Improves dental and facial esthetics. Most beautiful smiles in a short time

Ideal for cases in which the teeth have been moved again after a previous orthodontic procedure

Improves confidence and self-esteem

Aligned teeth are easier to clean and suffer less problems with gums, decay and wastage

It can be combined with other esthetic processes such as whitening or ceramic veneers, for example

How the INMAN ALIGNER system works

  • It takes from 16 to 20 hours a day. Can be removed for eating, brushing and at specific times
  • Uses very light forces
  • A single device is used throughout the process
  • Can be applied to upper teeth, lower teeth or both at once
  • The Acceledent device allows to reduce even more the time necessary to complete the orthodontic reatment .

The Acceledent device allows to reduce up to 50% the treatment time needed to complete fast orthodontics at Barcelona Inman Aligner.

Analyzing samples of practical cases of rapid orthodontic treatment in Barcelona Inman Aligner. The image shows the position of the teeth in one of the patients treated in our dental clinic before having undergone the treatment.


Analyzing samples of practical cases of rapid orthodontic treatment in Barcelona Inman Aligner. The image shows the position of the teeth in one of the patients treated in our dental clinic after having undergone the treatment.


Analizando muestras de casos prácticos del tratamiento de ortodoncia rápida en Barcelona Inman Aligner. En la imagen se observa la posición de los dientes en uno de los pacientes tratados en nuestra clínica dental antes de haberse sometido al tratamiento.


Analizando muestras de casos prácticos del tratamiento de ortodoncia rápida en Barcelona Inman Aligner. En la imagen se observa la posición de los dientes en uno de los pacientes tratados en nuestra clínica dental antes de haberse sometido al tratamiento.


Analizando muestras de casos prácticos del tratamiento de ortodoncia rápida en Barcelona Inman Aligner. En la imagen se observa la posición de los dientes en uno de los pacientes tratados en nuestra clínica dental antes de haberse sometido al tratamiento.


Analizando muestras de casos prácticos del tratamiento de ortodoncia rápida en Barcelona Inman Aligner. En la imagen se observa la posición de los dientes en uno de los pacientes tratados en nuestra clínica dental antes de haberse sometido al tratamiento.


Ares con un cachorro
Ares junto a un ibon



Our efficient receptionist is always ready to help, and attends to everyone with a smile. She is also a specialist in osteopathy and massage. She loves the mountains, the beach and animals.

Angels en la montaña



Our Head of Customer Service among a thousand other things. She organises fantastic team activities for us. She has recently become a proud grandmother. She loves weekend getaways, arts and crafts, and makes a party out of any tradition.

foto de Isabel en la playa



Another of our gum specialists, although she is always training in other specialities and has an infinite interest in learning about any subject. She loves the beach because it helps her to ‘reset’ every August.

foto Dra. Gemma Mayor con su perro

Dra. Gemma Mayor

Oral Rehabilitation

Specialist in Oral Surgery and in alternative integral therapies such as Neural Therapy, Mastication-Respiration Rehabilitation,… She loves dancing, yoga, self-knowledge, travelling, animals and living as much as possible in contact with nature.

La Dra. Jennifer Martín cantando
La Dra. Jennifer Martín practicando el senderismo

Dra. Jennifer Martín

Oral Rehabilitation

She has collaborated with the clinic since she finished her degree and is a lecturer on the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists at the Catalan Society of Dentistry. She devotes much of her free time to continuing her education, but she also loves flamenco, ballet, playing the guitar and singing.

zapatillas de baile clásico
Anna jugando al sumo



Anna, in addition to assisting Dr. José Luis Padrós, is in charge of organising the entire stock of materials, especially the implants. She loves going to her village with her children and meeting friends.

La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio montando a caballo
La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio haciendo senderismo

Dra. Margarita Monterrubio

Orthodontics and General

Co-director of the clinic. Although she has worked in all specialties, what she enjoys most is orthodontics, both in adults and children. In addition to patient care, she is also part of the clinic’s management. As a good islander (she is Mallorcan) she loves the sea, the beach, nature and her great passion is animals, especially horses.

La Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart aficionada al teatro

Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart

Oral rehabilitation

Collaborator for some years in the clinic and associate lecturer in the Postgraduate course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists in the Catalan Society of Dentistry. Lecturer at the University of Barcelona. She specialised in the United States in implantology and oral rehabilitation, endodontics, aesthetics, periodontics… She loves theatre, dressing up, travelling, nature walks, and all kinds of handicrafts.

foto Cristina escalando en roca
foto Cristina subiendo por una escala


Auxiliary, Hygienist

Another of our veterans. She is very skilled in all laboratory work, and masters all specialities as an assistant and hygienist. She now assists our collaborators, Dr. Fernández and Dr. Martín. She enjoys hiking and playing beach tennis.

zapatillas de baile clásico
mujer acariciando a un gato


Auxiliary, Hygienist

Incredible as it may seem, she has been with us for 30 years. He is a hygienist, although she masters all areas of the profession, she is a specialist in “Platelet Rich Plasma”, she is Dr. Monterrubio’s assistant, and she also helps Dr. Padrós to coordinate the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics which she directs at the Catalan Society of Odontology. She always makes sure that we are all well. Passionate Ballet and loves cats and travelling.

primer plano de Pilar
Pilar haciendo trecking



She has been working with Dr. Esteban Padrós for a lifetime. Both joined our team definitively in 2020, and we are delighted to have them on board. She loves walks in the mountains and nature.

El Dr. Esteban Padrós dibujando
El Dr. Esteban Padrós practicando la fotografía

Dr. Esteban Padrós

Oral rehabilitation

Cousin of Dr. José Luis Padrós, he has been working with us for many years. Fortunately, in 2020 he moved to our clinic permanently. He is also an associate professor in the Postgraduate in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists in the Catalan Society of Dentistry. He masters all specialties, and has special skills with the new 3D digital design programs, adapting easily to all new technologies. He loves drawing, photography, sports, travelling, reading, listening to music and cinema.

Raquel riendo con su hija
Raquel leyendo y haciendo senderismo con su hija



She is one of our gum specialists, although she really helps us with a thousand other things. She started with us when she was very young. She loves reading, dogs, walks in the countryside, she is an excellent cook, but what she enjoys most is doing any of these things with her wonderful daughter.

El Dr. José Luis Padrós en el gimnasio

Dr. Jose Luis Padrós

Scientific Director

Alma mater of our clinic. Director of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists at the Catalan Society of Dentistry. Insatiable supplier of new techniques and materials, especially in the fields of dental aesthetics, rehabilitation with prostheses and implantology. He spends much of his free time preparing for the training he gives, but still finds time to cycle, ski, play tennis, golf and paddle tennis.

foto Inés primer plano
foto Inés practicando sernderismo



She has been in the family since she was very young. She keeps our clinic spotless and magazine-ready following strict cleaning protocols. She loves walks in the countryside, picking asparagus and mushrooms, cooking, handicrafts, she is a painter and enjoys trips with her friends.

foto Esther en África con niños
foto Esther en África comiendo con unos niños



Gum specialist. She is a dreamer, creative, involved in a thousand social causes. She is in love with Africa, especially with her children.