Av. del Paral·lel 84, Barcelona

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Our clinic

Padrós dental clinic,
your dental clinic in Barcelona

Located in a modernist cataloged building of the emblematic Av. Paral·lel, your dental clinic in Barcelona is equipped with all the technical advances available.
We ensure to make your experience to the dentist pleasant and relaxed, that the atmosphere is welcoming and that it clearly reveals our desire to receive you with all cordiality.

In our dental clinic we use aromatherapy (to replace the classic smell of dental clinic with pleasant relaxing aromas), you can enjoy the wait with a drink like coffee, soft drinks or infusions, surfing the internet with our free Wi-Fi, watching TV or other amenities that are available to you and your companions.

You will receive from the first moment a particularly cordial and friendly treatment of our entire team.

The boxes are spacious and bright. The layout of the facilities is focused on achieving a good ergonomic of working. Despite being one of the dental clinics in Barcelona with more technological and instrumental clinical equipment, everything is arranged so that it does not interfere in the coordinated movement of the equipment. We are very respectful of the punctuality and we reserve the necessary time to be able to treat you without haste and to calmly explain all the details and doubts that may arise about your treatment.

Professional Team

Human resource at
Dental Clinic Padrós in Barcelona

If you have browsed through the different sections of this website, you will have noticed that we try to make available to our patients, the best treatments and the most advanced technologies available today. We also make a constant effort to keep us always up to date. However, the greatest value of the Dental Clinic Padrós, to our modest understanding, is the extraordinary human team that completes it.

The experience and the good relation of all the members of the team is so important and influences so much in the optimal results of the treatments, that in Padrós Dental Clínic  we do not perform staff turnover, and neither temporary contracts as carried out in certain low cost consultations, and franchises. We greatly appreciate the integration and skill of our staff and we keep it permanently trained.

Patients who visit us can immediately notice the extraordinary coordination of the entire team and the great work environment in which we develop our work.

This phenomenal team often participates in numerous courses and trainings to maintain and increase their knowledge and skills. In our news section and on our social networks you can see publications about some of the courses we attend and about the training we give to other professionals through our courses, postgraduate and masters.

We hold weekly meetings to keep our protocols up to date and the whole team coordinated. And we also try to carry out joint leisure activities outside the clinic’s facilities. This allows us to enjoy moments of fun and relaxation that help us to unite all the members of the team.

In this way we always manage to remain a very close-knit and synchronised team in order to offer you the best possible treatment.

Our human resources

“I would like to create a company where everyone thinks: I am part of a mission”.

Bill Gates

Work with us

If you are an extraordinary hygienist, assistant, dentist, stomatologist, commercial or receptionist and you would like to work in a very professional, coordinated and well-matched team, you can send us your CV.

Apply only if you have great capacity for work, enthusiasm for your profession and a vocation to help others.

There is no great job rotation in our team. We seek a lot of coordination, rapport and a good work environment, and that is why we do not usually have open positions, however, when a vacancy opens we take into account all the CVs received to choose the best candidate.

Tell us briefly why you want to work at Clínica Dental Padrós

El Dr. José Luis Padrós en el gimnasio

Dr. Jose Luis Padrós

Director científico

Alma mater de nuestra clínica. Director del Postgrado en Estética Avanzada que impartimos para otros dentistas en la Sociedad Catalana de Odontología. Proveedor insaciable de nuevas técnicas y materiales especialmente en los ámbitos de la Estética dental, la rehabilitación con prótesis y la implantología. Dedica gran parte de su tiempo libre a preparar las formaciones que imparte, pero aun consigue momentos para hacer bicicleta, esquiar, jugar al tenis, al golf y al pádel.

Raquel riendo con su hija
Raquel leyendo y haciendo senderismo con su hija



Una de nuestras especialistas en encías, aunque realmente nos ayuda en mil cosas más. Empezo de muy jovencita con nosotros. Le encanta leer, los perros, las excursiones por el campo, es una cocinera excelente, pero de lo que más disfruta es de hacer cualquiera de estas cosas con su maravillosa hija.

El Dr. Esteban Padrós dibujando
El Dr. Esteban Padrós practicando la fotografía

Dr. Esteban Padrós

Rehabilitación oral

Primo del Dr. José Luis Padrós, y lleva muchos años colaborando con nosotros. Por suerte, en el 2020 se trasladó a nuestra clínica de manera definitiva. También es profesor asociado en el Postgrado en Estética Avanzada que impartimos para otros dentistas en la Sociedad Catalana de Odontología. Domina todas las especialidades, y tiene especial habilidad con los nuevos programas de diseño digital 3D adaptándose con facilidad a todas las nuevas tecnologías. Le encanta el dibujo, la fotografía, el deporte, los viajes, leer, escuchar música y el cine.

primer plano de Pilar
Pilar haciendo trecking



Lleva toda una vida trabajando con el Dr. Esteban Padrós. Ambos se incorporaron de manera definitiva a nuestro equipo en el 2020, y estamos encantados de contar con ellos. Le encantan los paseos por la montaña y la naturaleza.

zapatillas de baile clásico
mujer acariciando a un gato


Auxiliar, Higienista

Aunque parezca increible, lleva con
nosotros 30 años. Es Higienista,
aunque domina todos los ámbitos de
la profesión es especialista en
“Plasma Rico en Plaquetas”, es la auxiliar de la Dra. Monterrubio, y también ayuda al Dr. Padrós a coordinar
el Postgrado de Estética Avanzada
que dirige en la Sociedad Catalana de
Odontología. Siempre se preocupa de
que todos estemos bien. Apasionada
del Ballet y le encantan los gatos, y

foto Cristina escalando en roca
foto Cristina subiendo por una escala


Auxiliar, Higienista

Otra de nuestras veteranas. Muy hábil con todos los trabajos de laboratorio, y domina todas las especialidades como auxiliar e higienista. Ahora asiste a nuestras colaboradoras, Dra. Fernández y Dra. Martín. Disfruta haciendo senderismo y jugando al Tenis Playa.

La Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart aficionada al teatro

Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart

Rehabilitación oral

Colaboradora desde hace unos años en la clínica y profesora asociada en el Postgrado en Estética Avanzada que impartimos para otros dentistas en la Sociedad Catalana de Odontología. Profesora en la Universidad de Barcelona. Se especializó en Estados Unidos en implantología y rehabilitación oral, endodoncia, estética, periodoncia… Gran aficionada al teatro, le encanta disfrazarse, viajar, pasear por la naturaleza, y manualidades de todo tipo.

La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio montando a caballo
La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio haciendo senderismo

Dra. Margarita Monterrubio

Ortodoncia y General

Codirectora de la clínica. Aunque ha trabajado en todas las especialidades, con lo que más disfruta es con la ortodoncia, tanto en adultos como en niños. Además de la atención al paciente lleva parte de la Gestión de la clínica. Como buena isleña (es mallorquina) le encanta el mar, la playa, la naturaleza y su gran pasión son los animales, especialmente los caballos.

zapatillas de baile clásico
Anna jugando al sumo



Anna, además de asistir al Dr. José Luis Padrós, es la encargada de organizar todo el almacén de materiales, especialmente de los implantes. Le encanta ir a su pueblo con sus hijos y quedar con los amigos.

La Dra. Jennifer Martín cantando
La Dra. Jennifer Martín practicando el senderismo

Dra. Jennifer Martín

Rehabilitación oral

Ha colaborado con la clínica desde que acabó la carrera y es profesora titular en el Postgrado en Estética Avanzada que impartimos para otros dentistas en la Sociedad Catalana de Odontología. Dedica gran parte de su tiempo libre a seguir formándose, pero también le encanta el flamenco, el ballet, tocar la guitarra y cantar.

foto Dra. Gemma Mayor con su perro

Dra. Gemma Mayor

Rehabilitación oral

Especialista en Cirugía Oral y en terapias integrales alternativas como la Terapia Neural, Rehabilitación masticación-respiración,… Le encanta bailar, el yoga, el autoconocimiento, viajar, los animales y vivir lo más en contacto posible con la naturaleza.

foto Inés primer plano
foto Inés practicando sernderismo



Lleva en la familia desde muy jovencita. Mantiene nuestra clínica impoluta y a punto de revista siguiendo estrictos protocolos de limpieza. Le encantan los paseos por el campo, coger espárragos y setas, cocinar, las manualidades, es pintora y disfruta de las escapadas con sus amigas.

foto de Isabel en la playa



Otra de nuestras especialistas en encías, aunque siempre formándose en otras especialidades y con un interés infinito por aprender sobre cualquier tema. Le encanta la playa porque le ayuda a “resetearse”cada Agosto.

Angels en la montaña



Nuestra jefa de Servicio de Atención al Cliente entre mil cosas más. Nos organiza unas fantásticas actividades en equipo. Recientemente se ha convertido en una orgullosa abuela. Le encanta hacer escapadas de fin de semana, las manualidades, y de cualquier tradición hace una fiesta.

foto Esther en África con niños
foto Esther en África comiendo con unos niños



Especialista en encías. Es soñadora, creativa, implicada en mil causas sociales. Enamorada de África, especialmente de sus niños.

Ares con un cachorro
Ares junto a un ibon



Nuestra eficaz recepcionista siempre dispuesta a ayudar, y atendiendo a todo el mundo con una sonrisa. También especialista en osteopatía y masajes. Le encanta la montaña, la playa y los animales.

El Dr. José Luis Padrós en el gimnasio

Dr. Jose Luis Padrós

Scientific Director

Alma mater of our clinic. Director of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists at the Catalan Society of Dentistry. Insatiable supplier of new techniques and materials, especially in the fields of dental aesthetics, rehabilitation with prostheses and implantology. He spends much of his free time preparing for the training he gives, but still finds time to cycle, ski, play tennis, golf and paddle tennis.

Raquel riendo con su hija
Raquel leyendo y haciendo senderismo con su hija



She is one of our gum specialists, although she really helps us with a thousand other things. She started with us when she was very young. She loves reading, dogs, walks in the countryside, she is an excellent cook, but what she enjoys most is doing any of these things with her wonderful daughter.

El Dr. Esteban Padrós dibujando
El Dr. Esteban Padrós practicando la fotografía

Dr. Esteban Padrós

Oral rehabilitation

Cousin of Dr. José Luis Padrós, he has been working with us for many years. Fortunately, in 2020 he moved to our clinic permanently. He is also an associate professor in the Postgraduate in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists in the Catalan Society of Dentistry. He masters all specialties, and has special skills with the new 3D digital design programs, adapting easily to all new technologies. He loves drawing, photography, sports, travelling, reading, listening to music and cinema.

primer plano de Pilar
Pilar haciendo trecking



She has been working with Dr. Esteban Padrós for a lifetime. Both joined our team definitively in 2020, and we are delighted to have them on board. She loves walks in the mountains and nature.

zapatillas de baile clásico
mujer acariciando a un gato


Auxiliary, Hygienist

Incredible as it may seem, she has been with us for 30 years. He is a hygienist, although she masters all areas of the profession, she is a specialist in “Platelet Rich Plasma”, she is Dr. Monterrubio’s assistant, and she also helps Dr. Padrós to coordinate the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics which she directs at the Catalan Society of Odontology. She always makes sure that we are all well. Passionate Ballet and loves cats and travelling.

foto Cristina escalando en roca
foto Cristina subiendo por una escala


Auxiliary, Hygienist

Another of our veterans. She is very skilled in all laboratory work, and masters all specialities as an assistant and hygienist. She now assists our collaborators, Dr. Fernández and Dr. Martín. She enjoys hiking and playing beach tennis.

La Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart aficionada al teatro

Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart

Oral rehabilitation

Collaborator for some years in the clinic and associate lecturer in the Postgraduate course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists in the Catalan Society of Dentistry. Lecturer at the University of Barcelona. She specialised in the United States in implantology and oral rehabilitation, endodontics, aesthetics, periodontics… She loves theatre, dressing up, travelling, nature walks, and all kinds of handicrafts.

La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio montando a caballo
La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio haciendo senderismo

Dra. Margarita Monterrubio

Orthodontics and General

Co-director of the clinic. Although she has worked in all specialties, what she enjoys most is orthodontics, both in adults and children. In addition to patient care, she is also part of the clinic’s management. As a good islander (she is Mallorcan) she loves the sea, the beach, nature and her great passion is animals, especially horses.

zapatillas de baile clásico
Anna jugando al sumo



Anna, in addition to assisting Dr. José Luis Padrós, is in charge of organising the entire stock of materials, especially the implants. She loves going to her village with her children and meeting friends.

La Dra. Jennifer Martín cantando
La Dra. Jennifer Martín practicando el senderismo

Dra. Jennifer Martín

Oral Rehabilitation

She has collaborated with the clinic since she finished her degree and is a lecturer on the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists at the Catalan Society of Dentistry. She devotes much of her free time to continuing her education, but she also loves flamenco, ballet, playing the guitar and singing.

foto Dra. Gemma Mayor con su perro

Dra. Gemma Mayor

Oral Rehabilitation

Specialist in Oral Surgery and in alternative integral therapies such as Neural Therapy, Mastication-Respiration Rehabilitation,… She loves dancing, yoga, self-knowledge, travelling, animals and living as much as possible in contact with nature.

foto Inés primer plano
foto Inés practicando sernderismo



She has been in the family since she was very young. She keeps our clinic spotless and magazine-ready following strict cleaning protocols. She loves walks in the countryside, picking asparagus and mushrooms, cooking, handicrafts, she is a painter and enjoys trips with her friends.

foto de Isabel en la playa



Another of our gum specialists, although she is always training in other specialities and has an infinite interest in learning about any subject. She loves the beach because it helps her to ‘reset’ every August.

Angels en la montaña



Our Head of Customer Service among a thousand other things. She organises fantastic team activities for us. She has recently become a proud grandmother. She loves weekend getaways, arts and crafts, and makes a party out of any tradition.

foto Esther en África con niños
foto Esther en África comiendo con unos niños



Gum specialist. She is a dreamer, creative, involved in a thousand social causes. She is in love with Africa, especially with her children.

Ares con un cachorro
Ares junto a un ibon



Our efficient receptionist is always ready to help, and attends to everyone with a smile. She is also a specialist in osteopathy and massage. She loves the mountains, the beach and animals.