It was celebrated at the excellent facilities of Jident lab in Cornellà de Llobregat with the support of the company Heraeus-Kulzer.
We could know and manipulate the newest Heraeus materials and we could learn a lot of practical tips and tricks in a very comprehensive and useful course. Antonio Pérez Aceves is a very talented and entertaining professor. We had a lot of fun.
We’d like to thank Professor Perez-Aceves, Jident and Heraeus (specially Mr. Jordi Danés) for making this course possible.
In the pictures you can see part of our team from Dental Clinic Padros during the hands-on part of the course. (pictures 1, 2 and 3)
About Ceramic Stratification
Some facts about Professor Antonio Perez Aceves teaching the course of Ceramic Stratification.
He is technical specialist in Prosthodontics, and completed his studies at the School Santiago Ramon y Cajal (Barcelona). Since 1987 runs his own laboratory. Besides this aspect he has attended the following courses of specialization:
- In November 2005. Advanced Course Porcelain Stratification “Deciphering the aesthetic code in porcelain” by Paul A. Fiechter.
- In July 2008. Course for teachers prosthetic “dynamic control of light” by Paul A. Fiechter, Heraeus Iberia.
- In September 2008. Course “Improvement in the casting process for large structures, and iron and steel castings specialization” by Peter Engerdingel, technical specialist Heraeus smelter and he has over 40 years of experience.
- In May 2009. Course on porcelain composition HeraCeram / HeraCeram Zirconia. Leucite stabilized and benefits. Tips and tricks to optimize its use by Harald Kubiak-Essmann.
- In November 2010. Course porcelain technical expertise and advanced modeling borderless by Dr. Dario Adolfi.
- Attend various events and lectures on techniques of dental sector.
- Since 2007 he is member of Academy HeraCeram Iberia. He’s been taught over 25 courses on advanced Porcelain Stratification, and HeraCeram Zirkonia. He has developed the Matrix and Navigator techniques. Teaches courses on characterization of acrylic teeth and atrophic mucosa in various laboratories for dental technicians in Spain and Portugal.
- In April 2010 Labor Dental Technician magazine published “Cracking the aesthetic code”.
- He offered the conference “Development of aesthetic code with porcelain buttons”.