We got the certification that allows us to use the extraordinary CAD-CAM system created by the company 3SHAPE.
By this we now master to the highest level the amazing capabilities of the best CAD-CAM technology (computer dessigned restorations that are then milled by a robot or created by 3d printing or sintering processes).
We can also combine it with the digital smile design concepts. This allows us to give our patients restorations with the best quality, esthetic, resistance and precission of fit available today in the world.
Thank you very much to all the 3dental and 3shape teams and their teachers for their passion and dedication.
In the pictures we can see the teachers Jose Luis Sánchez and Adriana Besné in action during the course and with Dr. José Luis Padrós.
About 3dental
- 3Shape was created by two students just graduated, then were 20 years old. In less than 10 years, 3Shape has provided solutions to a wide range of major industries.
- 3Shape is leader providing digital solutions for dental and orthodontics, among others applications.
- 3Shape is a privately-held company headquartered in Denmark. They are in the city of Copenhagen, but 3shape also have facilities in Ukraine, Poland, New Jersey, USA and Shanghai, China.
- 3Shape has been honored three times with Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Innovation category in Denmark, in “recognition of innovation, leadership, state-of-the-art products.
- international network and clear strategies in pursuit of continuous growth.”