Av. del Paral·lel 84, Barcelona

Scanner 3D

Wouldn’t you like to be treated from now on with the most comfortable and modern digital dentistry?

We offer you what we consider to be the best intraoral scanners in the world: The new 3Shape Trios and the revolutionary PrimeScan. They allow us to digitalize your smile by making a 3D capture of your teeth. They replace old silicone and alginate impressions and they allow us to perform all dental procedures following a fully digitized workflow, making treatments more comfortable for the patient, quick and predictable.

With the Primescan® intraoral scanner we can take a high-precision 3D digital record of the teeth in just one or two minutes. This allows any restoration or dental prosthesis to be made without the need to take impressions with the old silicone pastes.

New scanner Primescan
Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner PrimeScan
Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner PrimeScan
Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner PrimeScan

Also, by having your smile digitized and the exact shape and position of your teeth digitized, we can do things as fascinating as:

  • Perform digital simulations of treatments.
  • Compare your teeth over time. If we superimpose a current 3D scan of your teeth with one done some time ago, we can see what changes have occurred over time (wear, position changes, gum retraction progression, etc.)
  • By having your smile digitized, if any of your teeth suffers a fracture or injury, we can exactly recreate the previous situation.
  • We can copy the shape and texture of a family member’s or friend’s smile to recreate it on their teeth.
  • We can carry out studies and digital simulations of orthodontic treatments to see the final result before starting.
  • We can monitor the evolution of your orthodontic treatment to check at all times if everything is evolving exactly as planned or detect and correct if there has been any slight deviation from the original plan.
  • We can study how your teeth fit while they move and how to fix errors and interferences.
  • We can superimpose the digital scans with the 3D digital radiographs to create surgical guides for the dental implants that ensure that they are placed in the ideal position according to both the maxillary bone available and the tooth that we will place at the end.
  • It allows us to carry out chairside cad-cam restorations such as inlays, crowns, veneers or bridges in a single visit and without the inconvenience of provisional restorations or impressions with silicone pastes.
  • It allows us to digitally modify the shape and position of your teeth and thereby carry out an aesthetic test to find out, before starting the treatment, if the result will be pleasing to us or if we want any modification.
Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner PrimeScan
Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner PrimeScan
Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner PrimeScan

Following with our passion and commitment to offer our patients the best and most comfortable dental treatments, we offer you the most advanced intraoral scanner available today: The Trios system, from 3shape.

During dental treatment procedures, we often need to take impressions of our patient’s teeth, using impression pastes. This step is often felt as uncomfortable by some people.

Thanks to the new digital 3D impression technology, we can now register our patient’s teeth through a small video camera. The system can capture up to 3000 high definition 3D images per second which are then used by the computer to create a perfect 3D image in real time. No need to use impression pastes or trays.

By using this new technology, we can take in a very few minutes, and in a very comfortable way, a perfect 3D digital image of our patient’s teeth.

Digital reproduction obtained through the new intraoral scanner Trios of 3shape

The Trios system from 3shape is the most precise and versatile scanner available today. It allows us to have impressions with a resolution of 5 microns.

The system has been awarded for the last 4 consecutive years with the Cellerant “Best of Class” Technology Award as the world’s best intraoral scanner.

Once we have our high-resolution 3D image in our computer, we can use it to print a 3D model of our patient’s teeth or we can use it directly to create digital designs of our restorations (such as crowns, bridges, inlays, veneers, implant crowns, etc.)

In can even be used to analyse our orthodontic cases and to help position the brackets in the ideal place on every tooth.

It can be combined with our 3D x-ray studies to create surgical guides that can help us in the placement of our dental implants in the ideal position for every patient.

All the procedure is digital, and the manufacturing of the restorations can be performed through CAD-CAM technology, using high precision robots.

The accuracy of fit of the restorations created using this technology is just astonishing, even when we deal with extended oral prostheses, mainly because we avoid the risk of having shrinkage of the materials used in the manufacturing of the restorations.

In a recent study, 100% of the patients said that they preferred the intraoral scanner impressions rather than the conventional systems using impression pastes and trays.

Dra. Jennifer Martin using the new 3shape Trios intraoral scanner

This technology reduces up to 89% the risk of introducing small impression mistakes.

It’s easy and convenient for us to integrate it with our current digital smile design protocols, and it also allows us to communicate in real time with the most advanced digital labs around the world.

So, it’s mainly a new great technologic improvement in the dental world, that can help us provide a better and more comfortable dental experience for our patients.

The incorporation of digital technologies into dentistry has brought many exciting changes in recent years, but most of these technologies require a commitment from either the dentist or the manufacturer in order to make the workflow efficient and effective. One of the most innovative aspects of digital integration for dentistry has been the arrival of digital printing technology, such as the TRIOS 3Shape scanner.
Although traditional printing techniques have proven to be accurate throughtout generations, they can be uncomfortable for patients. The immediacy of the digital printing technology allows greater precision and preparation. In addition, greatly improves the speed of communication between the dentist and the laboratory.

The TRIOS 3shape experience

TRIOS3® is much more than a scanner. TRIOS® is a multifunctional digital tool for odontologists who creates 3D digital prints and makes high-definition intra-oral photographs to document cases.
All the information of each case is given immediately to the dental technician so that he can design and create the restorations of high quality and with a perfect fit.
Gradually more odontologists use digital printing systems because this new technology guarantees a simple print and digital accuracy and increases patient satisfaction.
Its main features are speed and high precision.
The 3Shape scanner has a similar shape to an intraoral camera. As it is passed through the teeth, the scanner creates a 3D image on the computer. The scanner provides great flexibility for the dentist and patients, as it is not necessary to perform the scanning at a specific distance or angle of focus. During the scanning process, the upper and lower jaws are scanned separately. The TRIOS optical sectioning technology is very fast and allows you to scan a quadrant in just 3 minutes.

Much more than an impression

Performing a mouth restoration accurately using the traditional print outlet is not an easy task at all. The lack of uniformity in the quality of the impressions frequently causes that it is necessary to repeat the shots again, the clinical and esthetic results are not what were expected and there is a greater need to make adjustments during the placement.
TRIOS® digital printing solves many of these drawbacks, allowing accurate printing at a single appointment. TRIOS® helps save time and helps improve the experience of the dentist and patient.

Advanced detail capture

TRIOS® software has been optimized so that more detail is captured throughout the scanning process, especially around the margin line, allowing the margin line to be more precisely dimensioned and positioned in a more simple way.
TRIOS® automatically detects the presence of unwanted anatomical parts, such as the tongue, cheek or lips, and removes them from digital printing in real time.

Advantages of TRIOS 3Shape

For the dentist

  • Simple and intuitive user interface allows an exceptional user experience
  • Rapid printing achieves greater precision and improved clinical results

For the patient

  • A quick and comfortable experience, no molds or printing pastes are required
  • Useful for patients with nauseous reflex problems
  • Accuracy and digital precision allow better adjustment in restorations
  • The total query time is reduced considerably
  • Greater satisfaction
  • High quality clinical results
Ares con un cachorro
Ares junto a un ibon



Our efficient receptionist is always ready to help, and attends to everyone with a smile. She is also a specialist in osteopathy and massage. She loves the mountains, the beach and animals.

Angels en la montaña



Our Head of Customer Service among a thousand other things. She organises fantastic team activities for us. She has recently become a proud grandmother. She loves weekend getaways, arts and crafts, and makes a party out of any tradition.

foto de Isabel en la playa



Another of our gum specialists, although she is always training in other specialities and has an infinite interest in learning about any subject. She loves the beach because it helps her to ‘reset’ every August.

foto Dra. Gemma Mayor con su perro

Dra. Gemma Mayor

Oral Rehabilitation

Specialist in Oral Surgery and in alternative integral therapies such as Neural Therapy, Mastication-Respiration Rehabilitation,… She loves dancing, yoga, self-knowledge, travelling, animals and living as much as possible in contact with nature.

La Dra. Jennifer Martín cantando
La Dra. Jennifer Martín practicando el senderismo

Dra. Jennifer Martín

Oral Rehabilitation

She has collaborated with the clinic since she finished her degree and is a lecturer on the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists at the Catalan Society of Dentistry. She devotes much of her free time to continuing her education, but she also loves flamenco, ballet, playing the guitar and singing.

zapatillas de baile clásico
Anna jugando al sumo



Anna, in addition to assisting Dr. José Luis Padrós, is in charge of organising the entire stock of materials, especially the implants. She loves going to her village with her children and meeting friends.

La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio montando a caballo
La Dra. Margarita Monterrubio haciendo senderismo

Dra. Margarita Monterrubio

Orthodontics and General

Co-director of the clinic. Although she has worked in all specialties, what she enjoys most is orthodontics, both in adults and children. In addition to patient care, she is also part of the clinic’s management. As a good islander (she is Mallorcan) she loves the sea, the beach, nature and her great passion is animals, especially horses.

La Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart aficionada al teatro

Dra. Inés Fernández Guallart

Oral rehabilitation

Collaborator for some years in the clinic and associate lecturer in the Postgraduate course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists in the Catalan Society of Dentistry. Lecturer at the University of Barcelona. She specialised in the United States in implantology and oral rehabilitation, endodontics, aesthetics, periodontics… She loves theatre, dressing up, travelling, nature walks, and all kinds of handicrafts.

foto Cristina escalando en roca
foto Cristina subiendo por una escala


Auxiliary, Hygienist

Another of our veterans. She is very skilled in all laboratory work, and masters all specialities as an assistant and hygienist. She now assists our collaborators, Dr. Fernández and Dr. Martín. She enjoys hiking and playing beach tennis.

zapatillas de baile clásico
mujer acariciando a un gato


Auxiliary, Hygienist

Incredible as it may seem, she has been with us for 30 years. He is a hygienist, although she masters all areas of the profession, she is a specialist in “Platelet Rich Plasma”, she is Dr. Monterrubio’s assistant, and she also helps Dr. Padrós to coordinate the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics which she directs at the Catalan Society of Odontology. She always makes sure that we are all well. Passionate Ballet and loves cats and travelling.

primer plano de Pilar
Pilar haciendo trecking



She has been working with Dr. Esteban Padrós for a lifetime. Both joined our team definitively in 2020, and we are delighted to have them on board. She loves walks in the mountains and nature.

El Dr. Esteban Padrós dibujando
El Dr. Esteban Padrós practicando la fotografía

Dr. Esteban Padrós

Oral rehabilitation

Cousin of Dr. José Luis Padrós, he has been working with us for many years. Fortunately, in 2020 he moved to our clinic permanently. He is also an associate professor in the Postgraduate in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists in the Catalan Society of Dentistry. He masters all specialties, and has special skills with the new 3D digital design programs, adapting easily to all new technologies. He loves drawing, photography, sports, travelling, reading, listening to music and cinema.

Raquel riendo con su hija
Raquel leyendo y haciendo senderismo con su hija



She is one of our gum specialists, although she really helps us with a thousand other things. She started with us when she was very young. She loves reading, dogs, walks in the countryside, she is an excellent cook, but what she enjoys most is doing any of these things with her wonderful daughter.

El Dr. José Luis Padrós en el gimnasio

Dr. Jose Luis Padrós

Scientific Director

Alma mater of our clinic. Director of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Aesthetics that we teach for other dentists at the Catalan Society of Dentistry. Insatiable supplier of new techniques and materials, especially in the fields of dental aesthetics, rehabilitation with prostheses and implantology. He spends much of his free time preparing for the training he gives, but still finds time to cycle, ski, play tennis, golf and paddle tennis.

foto Inés primer plano
foto Inés practicando sernderismo



She has been in the family since she was very young. She keeps our clinic spotless and magazine-ready following strict cleaning protocols. She loves walks in the countryside, picking asparagus and mushrooms, cooking, handicrafts, she is a painter and enjoys trips with her friends.

foto Esther en África con niños
foto Esther en África comiendo con unos niños



Gum specialist. She is a dreamer, creative, involved in a thousand social causes. She is in love with Africa, especially with her children.