Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics – SEPES
Symposium held on 9, 10 and 11 October at the Palacio de Congresos in Seville
We’ve been members and we’ve been collaborating with Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics SEPES for many years and we usually assist to the symposiums and congresses that they organize. This year the record of assistants has been broken with over 3000 participants.
Many subjects have been covered. We’ve talked about dental esthetics, restorative dentistry, bleaching (teeth whitening), prostheses, dental implants and dental prosthetics. Some new techniques and materials have been presented and a big commercial exhibition area has been installed. We would like to congratulate all the members of Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics – SEPES and specially the congress organizing committee for the success achieved this year and for the quality of the presentations.
It has also been very pleasant for us not only attending the Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics reunion but to walk again through the wonderful streets of Seville. A beautiful city, full of marvelous places and enchanting people.
45th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Stomatological Prostheses – SEPES
As indicated on its website, Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics responsible for this meeting:
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE for Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics reunion
Dr. Rafael Martínez
Dr. Diego Cañadas
Dr. Javier Ventura
Dr. Pablo Domínguez
Dr. Eugenio Cordero, Dra. Ana Orozco, Dr. Bruno Pereira, Dra. Gema Arroyo, Dra. Rula Fares, Dr. Agustín Caro.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE for Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics reunion
Dr. Emilio Jiménez-Castellanos
Dr. Jaime A. Gil, Dr. Jaime del Río, Dr. Guillermo Pradíes, Dra. Beatriz Giménez
SPEAKERS for Spanish Society for Dental Prosthetics reunion
Rubén Agustín, Ángel Álvarez, Pere Baldomá, Max Bosshart, August Bruguera, Xavier Calvo, João Caramês, Raquel Castillo, Stephen J. Chu, Ramón del Castillo, Daniel Edelhoff, Daniel Escribano, José Espona, Carlos Falcao, Torcuato Fdez., Ángel Fernández, Juan A. Fernández, Stefan Fickl, M.Helena Figueiral, José Fonollosa, Mauro Fradeani, Ramón García, Miguel Gómez, Pedro Herrera, Vicente Jiménez, Ignazio Loi, Antonio Maroto, Francisco Martínez, Juli Martínez, Iñaki Mayo, Christian Mertens, Adam Mieleszko, Roberto Molinari, Javier Montero, Mª Jesús Mora, José M. Navarro, Carlos Oteo, Mutlu Özcan, José A. Pamplona, Maria Peraire, Javier Pérez, Rafael Piñeiro, Loris Prosper, Mª Jesús Provedo, Pablo Ramírez, Jose M. Reuss, Marta Revilla, Primitivo Roig, Manuel Ruiz, Antonio Saiz-Pardo, João Sampaio, Victoria Sánchez, Josef Schweiger, Eduardo Selva, Ildefonso Serrano, Mª Jesús Suárez, Daniel Thoma, Francisco Troyano, Juan Zufia