Periimplantitis is the inflammation of the teixits that surround a dental implant (similar to what would be a gingivitis or a periodontitis voltant d’un natural dent).
It is a problem of salut molt estès. It is col·loquen centenars of milers d’implants every any to Espanya. Sovint, from the areas of mutualism or dental franchises, which may find it difficult to obtain a lower price on their tracts, which often implies that we are faced with pitjores resultats i complicacions. Especially mig termini.
Prop. 50% of the implants colloquats develop inflammation of the genus (mucositis) at some time, and between 10 and 30% of the implants are irreversible at the implant site (periimplantitis). The inflammation of the genitalia and the reabsorption of the bones are also common as voltant of the natural dents. The great importance of these facts is that the treatment of these maladies at the voltant of the teeth is predicted to be less volatile than conventional implants.
Grans reviews a multitude of public studies at the world level.
Això is així perquè the relationship of the genius of the maxil·lars ambles dents is different from the relation between the implants. The day after day, the periimplantitis of the gingivitis can be treated with gingivitis or periodontitis, but results are obtained in the periimplantitis són molt pitjors i menys predictable.
Dr. David Morales Schwarz has developed what, in the new understanding, is the technical technique pertaining to the periimplantitis that has currently been at work. It has also developed specific instruments for the duration of the project. The innovative and brilliant innovation of its focus is that, in competing to concentrate on the mechanical component (regeneration of los perdut al voltant de l’implant), which is the one that fans have the technical characteristics of the periimplantitis descrites Is aimed at recovering the biological component (vascularization, segregation and return of the natural defense capacitance of the patient’s genomes).
The results are obtinguts technically that are infinitely more millors than those that have conventional technical environments that are currently applicable to the machine. Nosaltres will learn this technique from Dr. Morales to any 2013. There has been an autèntic plaer escort Dr. Morales to review it and update it. Dr Morales is not a Master in Periodontics and Oral Implantology, at New York University (NYU) and Master in Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology at U.Paris XII, Val de Marne, but is also an extraordinary developer of materials I. It currently collaborates with the Bioner company in the development of dental implants and surgical components. You are also a national and international conference reconnaissance.
Photographs see Dr. David Morales Schwarz at the coast of Dr. José Luis Padrós and a snapshot of the River Huerva on the coast of the Bruil Park of Saragossa at the bonica matí d’hivern on the 5th of February.